“Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith;
prove your own selves...”
Examine Yourselves Index
The Answers to the following Questions can be found in the lessons of
Module 3.
Question 1: |
Yahweh's mercy is everlasting; but what must we do to receive it?
See Lesson 1 for the answer.
Question 2: |
Our heavenly father is in the business of “Salvation & Sanctification.”
What work are you doing in the Family business?
See Lesson 2 for the answer.
Question 3: |
We are told that the Holy Spirit works through man's conscience.
But what “divine instrument” does He use to convict a person of
“sin, righteousness” and “judgment?”
See Lesson 3 for the answer.
Question 4: |
Yahweh uses holy angels to perform certain duties.
Name some of those duties and how they may concern you and your family.
See Lesson 4 for the answer.
Question 5: |
In the spiritual warfare against the diseases caused by sin,
where in the Bible are Jehovah's “health warnings” found?
See Lesson 5 for the answer.
Question 6: |
We know that eternal salvation is only possible through faith in
the Lord Jesus Christ. But why does the Most High allow His
servants to suffer so much; what lesson is He trying to teach us?
See Lesson 6 for the answer.
Question 7: |
If you are certain that we are living in the “Last Days”
then name some of the “Signs of the Saviour's return:” political,
natural, social and spiritual.
See Lesson 7 for the answer.
Question 8: |
Perseverance in prayer always produces a happy ending.
But what is the result of a wilful and persistent rejection of Truth?
See Lesson 8 for the answer.
Question 9: |
Psalm 23 overflows with many spiritual gems of Truth.
In your opinion what is the dearest?
See Lesson 9 for the answer.
Question 10: |
Truth is an extremely potent power. Like the tiny atom it may appear
of small account or be held by some seemingly insignificant person;
but it is powerful beyond imagination. What Biblical stories confirm these facts?
See Lesson 10 for the answer.
Question 11: |
The Saviour's name is “Emmanuel;” which means “God with us.”
Name 10 Bible characters “God was with.”
See Lesson 11 for the answer.
Question 12: |
Taking bad advice can be dangerous, if not fatal. In spiritual
matters where can the best advice be found?
See Lesson 12 for the answer.
In the Son’s Name — For the Father’s Glory
A Voice In The Wilderness - Canada
