“If there is a God in Heaven and if He is the ‘Almighty’
and has a ‘compassionate heart,’ then why doesn't He stop the
suffering which is in the world today? Why doesn't He use His limitless power to put an end to the
sorrow that fills the hearts of so many people? If the Almighty really does
care for the human race, then why is He so strangely silent about mankind's
cruel and crippling problems? Why doesn’t He do something about them? And,
above all else, why doesn't He answer my prayers?”
Questions such as these are often asked by people all over the world.
We are happy to report that there are answers to these questions, and they are
found in the pages of the Holy Bible.
A Voice In The Wilderness - Canada considers it a
great privilege to bring some of those answers to you in this lesson; answers
which will assuredly stabilize your soul and comfort your heart, especially
when you encounter the tempest of some personal tragedy.
Long, long ago when the Almighty created man and woman, He made them free moral
agents and gave them that most basic of human rights - liberty. He allowed Adam
and his wife Eve life's greatest liberty - the liberty to choose the way they
wanted to live. Man was offered:
- The liberty to live a life governed by simple faith in divine
leadership - Yahweh’s leadership.
- Or of living a life governed by the requirement to ‘know,’
to analyze, to test and to prove to his own satisfaction what is good and what is evil.
The first way, the way of faith and obedience. was to lead to perfect peace,
happiness, health, safety and life everlasting.
The second way, the way of investigation, analysis and knowledge, was alas,
to end in death - “dying thou shalt die” the Eternal had warned. But man
wasn't to know this fact right away. He could take the Eternal's word for it
and accept it by faith, or find out for himself. Thus it was that EL SHADDAI,
the Almighty God of Israel gave to mankind that amazing choice to eat of the
Tree of Life by accepting His Word in simple faith, or to eat of the Tree of
Knowledge and to learn the hard way - by experience! (Genesis 3)
All of us know that Adam chose the second way, the way of trial and error, the
way of personal experience, the way of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. We are
not condemning him for his decision, for given the same choice most human
beings would have done exactly the same thing. Nevertheless the result of
Adam's sin was catastrophic. Indeed is was fatal; for within a short period of
time the whole earth was reeling under a burden of doubt, rebellion,
violence, disease and death. It just didn't seem possible that so small a
matter like ‘mistrusting the Creator’ could result in so much sorrow, suffering
and death. Yet, strangely enough, that is what happened and all of us are
still suffering because of Adam's fatal mistake.
Yahweh, we hasten to add, was by no means caught off-guard when man chose to
doubt His word and go his own way. Scripture tells us that when sin
(disobedience) entered the world, the Almighty promptly made known to Adam an
emergency plan of how the Seed of the Woman (The Messiah) would one day come
to earth to save mankind from that fatal decision to disobey the Creator. That
plan is often referred to as the Plan of Salvation. The Plan of Salvation not
only reveals the ultimate destiny of man, which is to be a joint-heir with
the Saviour in the rulership of the mighty universe (see
Lesson 10), but it also
explains how the Most High is ever willing and able to turn the saddest of
situations to good effect, and to produce something of rare beauty and great
worth from the most tragic of circumstances.
It is in this connection that we shall now consider the seemingly inexplicable
paradox of ‘why’ a God of infinite love and power
permits human suffering to continue; why He doesn't stop it immediately. What's more,
we shall see that suffering is a spiritual anvil upon which the Almighty is fashioning
human character; the anvil which man so ill-advisedly chose for himself. In other
words, under Yahweh's control suffering is being turned to ‘good
effect’ and being used by Him to produce enormous spiritual benefits.
With this little known fact in mind, let us now examine what the Bible has to say about
human suffering - its cause, its purpose and its fast approaching end.
1. Personal Sin
To begin with, suffering often comes to a soul as the direct result of
personal sin; for it is the inevitable harvest of transgression. People may
ignore Yahweh's instructions, they may foolishly imagine that His commandments
are obsolete and unworthy of attention; but God is not mocked. Whether in
rebellious defiance or, as often happens, in total ignorance,
the fact remains - disobedience (sin) always attracts punishment and results in
suffering, sorrow or death. The Bible provides ample evidence of this unpalatable fact.
(Deuteronomy 28: 15-20, Leviticus 26: 14-20, Psalm 89: 30-33)
2. Parental Sin
Secondly, suffering, in one form or another, is visited upon children unto
the third and fourth generations for sins committed by their parents or
grandparents. Blessings, by way of comparison, fall upon children unto a
thousand generations; so beware of judging the Most High on this point.
(Exodus 20: 5-6, Exodus 34 :6-7)
3. Communal or National Sin
Thirdly we suffer on a communal basis. Yahweh assesses mankind as
individuals, as families and as communities. And He works to His own
standards before He blesses or curses. Communal or national punishments come in
the form of war, famine (brought on by freak weather) disease epidemics and
(Jeremiah 28: 7-9, 29: 18-19, 1 Chronicles 21: 12-14, Psalm 105: 16, Ezekiel 5: 12-17)
4. Hidden Reasons
Besides these three causes for human suffering, it often happens that people
suffer for no apparent reason or fault of their own, their parents or their
nation. In these cases there are ‘hidden reasons’ operating behind the scenes;
for suffering may be permitted by Yahweh for a special purpose. Here is a
short list of some lesser known, ‘special purposes’ for human suffering:
- To glorify the Most High or to vindicate His Name before the entire
heavenly host, the sufferer bearing in his own body living testimony
to the fact that Yahweh's Word is true and Satan's false. Read the
book of Job where this fact is fully demonstrated. Satan claimed that
Job served Yahweh purely for personal gain and not because he admired
His way of life. Satan insisted that if Yahweh's blessings were
removed the patriarch Job would soon give up his faith and obedience.
Yahweh disagreed and gave Satan permission to test Job. Job stood
the test, a test of unspeakable suffering! He proved that Yahweh's
assessment of him was correct: that Job wasn't being bribed to be good, but was
obedient because he loved his maker.
Another example of how suffering was allowed for a special reason is
found in the story of the man born blind. (John 9)
The Apostle Paul’s sufferings are also evidence of divine reasons
operating behind the scenes.
(2 Corinthians 12: 7-9, Acts 5: 41, Acts 9: 16, Matthew 24: 9. See
point 6 for more details of this fact.)
- To allow one the inestimable privilege of sharing in the sufferings of
the Almighty; the privilege, that is, of knowing and appreciating in a
small way what the Creator is experiencing on a Himalayan scale. Bear
in mind that the Most High shares the sufferings of the whole human
race, just as a loving parent bears the accumulated suffering of his/her whole family.
(Philippians 3: 10, Colossians 1: 24)
- To kindle or even to rekindle faith; and to guide a wanderer towards
the Almighty.
(Deuteronomy 4: 30-31)
- To strengthen or test one’s faith in Yahweh.
(1 Peter 1: 6-7, Psalm 66: 10, Zechariah 13: 9, Isaiah 48: 9-11, Malachi 3: 2-3)
- To produce humility and to root out that monstrous sin - PRIDE.
(Deuteronomy 8: 2-3, 2 Chronicles 12: 6-7 & 12)
- To produce, paradoxically enough, patience, endurance, courage and hope.
(Romans 5: 3-5, 1 Peter 2: 19-23, James 5: 10-11)
- To perfect OBEDIENCE, which, next to faith, is the highest form of
Christian worship. Messiah suffered in this category.
(Hebrews 5: 8-9, Hebrews 2: 10, 1 Peter 5: 10)
- To qualify or enable a believer to help others. This is done by
allowing him/her to personally suffer, in order that he/she may in
turn effectively console or rescue others who often suffer without
understanding and without hope.
(2 Corinthians 1: 3-5, Acts 14: 22, Philippians 1: 12-14)
As a positive, spiritual safeguard against bitterness, loss of faith, or
even blasphemy - which is often expressed when the purpose of suffering is not
understood - the student should seek to maintain a
towards suffering. On no account should unanswered prayer be taken to mean
that Yahweh doesn't exist, or that He is uninterested in human suffering -
because He is. The Almighty God of Israel is more concerned with the problem
of suffering than the human mind will ever imagine. The truth is that He often
allows suffering to come our way for a
SPECIAL PURPOSE; and though we may not
always know what that purpose is, we may be sure that it exists. A correct
mental attitude towards suffering is, therefore, of vital importance; for
without it, the human mind could rapidly descend into a state of self-pity,
despondency and despair.
(1 Peter 4: 12-19, Romans 8: 35-39, John 16: 33)
Suffering, we are privileged to report, is
scheduled to come to an end, and that very shortly. It will have served the
purpose, amongst others, of demonstrating to the inhabitants of the whole universe
the true character of good and evil, of Yahweh’s way and
Satan’s way. Suffering will one day become a thing of the past and will
never again be experienced by anyone throughout time and space. This fact is
guaranteed by God Himself. Make sure you remember the message of these vital verses.
(Revelation 21: 1-4, Isaiah 35, Especially Verse 10, Zephaniah 3: 16-20)
When compared to the eternal bliss and glory believers are soon to
experience, present suffering is really of small account. It is a passing
phase, a tragic side-effect of mankind's decision to doubt Yahweh's Word and to
learn by trial and error, to learn by experience rather than by divine
revelation. Sufferers should, therefore, never allow their minds - no matter
how much they are burdened with pain or sorrow - to forget the truth of these
two magnificent verses:
Romans 8:
| 18: “For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall berevealed in us.”
1 Corinthians 2:
| 9: “... Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love Him.”
The Apostle Paul lived with these facts in mind. Knowledge of them enabled him
to go through some of the most harrowing experiences known to mankind. Pause
awhile and consider the long catalogue of his sufferings listed in (2
Corinthians 11: 23-33).
In view of this vital information, there is obviously a great deal a
sufferer can do to alleviate his/her own sorrows, to rise above them and with
Yahweh's assistance to grow in the faith. Here is a short check list of the
positive steps sufferers should take in order to maintain spiritual balance,
peace of mind, confidence and hope - in the midst of suffering!
- To begin with the sufferer should repent of personal sin and by
Yahweh's grace - forsake the path of disobedience. This is the very
first step in the process of reducing suffering. It must be taken (See
Lessons 1, 2
and 3 about Sin, Repentance and Forgiveness)
- If serious physical or mental illness is involved, the sufferer should
call for the elders of the Church and request anointing in the Name of
Yeshua the Messiah. This divinely appointed course of action still
produces the most amazing results.
(James 5: 13-15)
- A balanced diet, regular physical exercise, sufficient sleep and fresh
air etc. are also points to watch; for God will hardly heal a person
who refuses to follow these fundamental principles of good health.
- The sufferer should also personally call upon Yahweh for help and pray
for divine guidance and strength. These are bound to come. Indeed,
nothing is more certain in this world of confusion and despair than
the fact that the God of Israel is close at hand to help all those who
put their trust in Him
(2 Samuel 22: 4-7, Psalm 118: 5-6 & 14, Psalm 91: 9-16)
STUDY, yes study the book of
JOB and the PSALMS.
These prophetic passages tell of circumstances of absolute heartache and destitution. Notice how the Psalmist
(a type of Christ) rises above his sufferings in Psalm after Psalm to a triumphant end.
- The sufferer should HAVE FAITH IN THE MOST HIGH and carefully
cultivate that faith by READING THE HOLY SCRIPTURES DAILY. This is
beyond any doubt the best safeguard against a mental or spiritual
breakdown, in which misunderstood suffering can so easily result.
He is deeply concerned about you.
He loves you much more than you will ever realize. But He doesn't
want Satan to say of you that you only obey the commandments for
material gain; that you do not really admire Yahweh's lifestyle and
character but are following Him for what you can get from Him.
And so, as in Job's case, Yahweh allows many of His followers
to suffer, in order to demonstrate their faith and love for Him.
You may be certain that those who suffer for this reason will, like
Job, receive far more than they have sacrificed.
EL SHADDAI will most
certainly recompense every soul who has suffered for His Name’s sake
and Satan will stop accusing Him of bribing the Church into obedience.
Maintaining faith in Yahweh amidst suffering is probably the best way
of demonstrating one’s love for God.
Are you willing to suffer for Christ’s sake?
(Mark 11: 22, 2 Corinthians 5: 7, Habakkuk 3: 17-18)
- And finally, do not waste your energies and time blaming yourself for
your plight. To be sure it may be your own fault. But then, as pointed
out, it may not. It may be the fault of your parents - three or four
generations back. Or it may even be the sins of the society in which
you live. Alternatively it may be that you are being put through a
test similar to Job, or Paul or even the Saviour himself. It matters
not WHY you are suffering.
Your main objective in suffering should be
to repent of and forsake every sin which may be your particular
problem. Then trust and obey God, resting in the knowledge that
whatever happens thereafter is in His hands. And remember:
Romans 8:
| 28: “All things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to His purpose.”
We will end this lesson with that thought in mind and pronounce upon all true
believers the prescribed blessing for the people of the Most High: this is our prayer for you in His Holy Name.
“The LORD bless thee, and keep thee:
The LORD make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee:
The LORD lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.
And they shall put my name upon the children of Israel; and I will bless them.”
(Numbers 6: 24-27)
In the Son’s Name For the Father’s Glory.
A Voice In The Wilderness - Canada
