1. Life’s User Guide
The Bible is Life’s User Guide.
It is essential that you study it on a regular basis - DAILY!
We trust that all who study it will be blessed,
particularly the youth. To obtain the best results from this course it should
be done in the following way:
- Read the first lesson through. Do not attempt at this first
reading to look up the Bible texts given at each point. Just read the
lesson through once.
- Then begin to write the lesson in an exercise book or loose leaf
folder. Yes, write out each lesson in your own handwriting: the idea
being that you will learn immeasurably more by actually writing out
the lesson than by merely reading it.
- When a Bible reference is given after a statement, look up the text in the Bible and
copy it into your exercise book. Use the
King James Version
(also called the Authorized Version) of the Bible only. Then proceed to the next
text and copy that out.
- Go to the next statement, copy it into your book. Repeat this process
till the whole lesson is copied. The completed lesson, indeed the
- real lesson - is the hand written one which appears in your exercise
- Finally round off the lesson by reading it through from your own
hand written copy.
- Before starting a new lesson always read the previous - real lesson -
(your hand-written copy). In this way you would have read the
lesson through at least three times: once in its incomplete and twice
in its complete form.
2. Time Schedule
To do a lesson as outlined above would take several hours. Therefore,
depending on the time available, your writing speed etc., a lesson may
be spaced out over a period of weeks.
Do not rush through your studies, for these are spiritual subjects
and the more you think about and practice them, the more successful a
student you will be in the Almighty's eyes.
3. Examinations/Certificates
A Voice In The Wilderness - Canada
does not set its students any examinations:
neither do we issue any certificates. Successful students, in our
opinion, are those who:
- Fear God:
- This means they put their faith in the Almighty and
accept His free gift of salvation made possible through His Son Jesus.
- Obey His Commandments:
- Inherent intelligence, personal wealth,
physical beauty and playing-field popularity mean nothing to God.
- In His eyes the only outcomes of eternal value are faith and obedience.
- Good morals, integrity, respect for others (especially the aged, the
handicapped and the poor) are what He is looking for.
Since we at A Voice In The Wilderness - Canada are not in a position to evaluate
these spiritual outcomes in the lives of our students, we do not commend or condemn
their efforts.
At the final examination - the great Day of Judgment -
everyone will know how he/she has done, whether it be everlasting life or
everlasting death. No earthly examination, however important it may appear
to be, can compare with that final assessment.
In the Son’s Name For the Father’s Glory.
A Voice In The Wilderness - Canada
